1st Year POC - Principles of Commerce Notes
The term market and marketing are often very really used in ordinary since but it has different meaning in commerce. marketing includes business activities involved in the flow of goods and service from production to consumption.
Mr. C.C Knight says: “ Marketing embraces all those efforts made in the discovery of consumers actual and potential requirement for the commodities and service and the steps taken fro securing their adequate distributing”
According to Prof. Hall “ the word marketing describes number of association activities which move towards a common objectives: the determination of consumer demand for sale and distribution of goods and services”
In simple words all those business activities which effect the transfer of ownership of goods and services and provide for there physical distribution come within the scope of marketing. Marketing activities may be divided into two main groups;
1.those which effect the transfer of title of the goods 2. those which are involved in the physical distribution of goods from one place to another.
Market creates time, place and possession utility. It is for their creation that study is becoming more and more important every day.
Marketing is a very comprehensive term and include all efforts to
1. discover the present and potential requirement of consumer.
2. the evolution of the product which would satisfy those requirements.
3. all the effective methods of production distribution
4. all the efforts to improve and modify the products.
Marketing function can be defined as fundamental activities or services carried out in the marketing process. These functions are performed by manufactures, marketers, wholesalers etc. However the functions are as follow.
Buying is an important marketing function for everyone connected with the distribution and consumptions of good. Generally the wholesaler buy from the manufactures, the retailers from the wholesalers and consumer from the retailers. The performance of this function involves the activities relating to determination of needs, selection of proper source of supply, date of shipment etc. the function also considers the quality of goods with prospects of high profit.
The second important function is to arrange for the sale of goods. Selling involves a a wide Varity of task. These include the discovery of customers, introducing them with the available goods and encouraging them to purchase them to purchase goods. Selling add possession utility to commodities. Sometimes selling is a specialized function as in case of brokers auctioneers and other sales agent who don’t handle the goods at all but merely serves as a connection link between buyer and sellers.
The age of competition compels the seller to be alert in the creation of demands for their goods through auxiliaries like advertisement and salesmanship. The main objective is to draw attention of a large number of people to the products and to convince them of the excellence of the product. As a result the number of consumers increases. Without publicity the goods may not be noticed and marketing may come to stand still.
It creates place utility. In order to have goods must be transported from one place to another. To a very great extent the marketing system is built up upon economical and effective transportation. For the distribution of goods over a wide area, effective transportation must be available. and it should be adequate to meet the normal demands. Therefore, the efficiency of marketing depends upon quick and cheap means of transportation. With the increase in the distance between the producer and consumer the importance of transportation has further been increased.
Storage and warehouses:
Storage of good is an another important function of marketing. In many lines of business goods are produced considerably in advance of their consumption. Storing creates the utility. Because marketers often maintain extensive inventories, the consumers desire to buy is satisfied without waiting.
Standardization and grading:
It determines the form and classifies goods according to their quality. The producer standardize his goods according to the requirement of the market. It saves the time of consumers in selecting the goods. Consumer relay upon manufacturers that their goods are of uniform quality and of standard measure and size.
By grading we mean that actual sorting out the commodities according to established specification relating to size , quality , color , weight etc. Graded products facilitate buying and selling and the elements of risk is also reduced .
It consist of the supply and management of money of money and credit. A considerable amount of time elapse between the production and the sale of good, during that period finance is required at every step. The whole marketing mechanism is based upon financing. The retailers demand credit from the wholesalers , the wholesalers from the producers and the producers from the banks and finance companies.
Risk taking:
The mere act of owning goods carries with it the burden of assuming certain risks in connection with them. Some of the risks involved relate to physical deterioration theft, damage , waste, change in demand or supply or price. It is possible to minimize some of these risk through shifting them to insurance company.
Protecting goods from breakage, spoilage and leakage while they are being transported or stored is another important function of marketing process. Considerable efforts and research has been carried out in this fields as packing represents a vital and expensive activity.
It is applicable to all identifying marks by which a manufacturer or wholesaler identifies his products. The brand enable the purchaser to know what he is buying.
A considerable amount of recording is recording in order to know who made the purchase, the amount of investors. Therefore it is an important function.
In order to show goods to distant customers the producer has to adopt the prospect of sampling of the goods. It denoted the selection of apart of commodity from a bulk in such a way that it would be representative enough to render a correct idea about the commodity ti recipient of the sample.
Having Market Information:
It is important function and it is extremely helpful to both the consumer and the manufacturer. As markets for various articles are widening the importance of research and information in increasing. Producers are made aware of coming trends because marketers inform them of changes in consumers want supply and demand and the new market development, position of the computtors etc.
The chief objective of this stage of marketing process is to bring a potential buyer into contact with the seller. Thus this is also an important marketing function.
The term market and marketing are often very really used in ordinary since but it has different meaning in commerce. marketing includes business activities involved in the flow of goods and service from production to consumption.
Mr. C.C Knight says: “ Marketing embraces all those efforts made in the discovery of consumers actual and potential requirement for the commodities and service and the steps taken fro securing their adequate distributing”
According to Prof. Hall “ the word marketing describes number of association activities which move towards a common objectives: the determination of consumer demand for sale and distribution of goods and services”
In simple words all those business activities which effect the transfer of ownership of goods and services and provide for there physical distribution come within the scope of marketing. Marketing activities may be divided into two main groups;
1.those which effect the transfer of title of the goods 2. those which are involved in the physical distribution of goods from one place to another.
Market creates time, place and possession utility. It is for their creation that study is becoming more and more important every day.
Marketing is a very comprehensive term and include all efforts to
1. discover the present and potential requirement of consumer.
2. the evolution of the product which would satisfy those requirements.
3. all the effective methods of production distribution
4. all the efforts to improve and modify the products.
Marketing function can be defined as fundamental activities or services carried out in the marketing process. These functions are performed by manufactures, marketers, wholesalers etc. However the functions are as follow.
Buying is an important marketing function for everyone connected with the distribution and consumptions of good. Generally the wholesaler buy from the manufactures, the retailers from the wholesalers and consumer from the retailers. The performance of this function involves the activities relating to determination of needs, selection of proper source of supply, date of shipment etc. the function also considers the quality of goods with prospects of high profit.
The second important function is to arrange for the sale of goods. Selling involves a a wide Varity of task. These include the discovery of customers, introducing them with the available goods and encouraging them to purchase them to purchase goods. Selling add possession utility to commodities. Sometimes selling is a specialized function as in case of brokers auctioneers and other sales agent who don’t handle the goods at all but merely serves as a connection link between buyer and sellers.
The age of competition compels the seller to be alert in the creation of demands for their goods through auxiliaries like advertisement and salesmanship. The main objective is to draw attention of a large number of people to the products and to convince them of the excellence of the product. As a result the number of consumers increases. Without publicity the goods may not be noticed and marketing may come to stand still.
It creates place utility. In order to have goods must be transported from one place to another. To a very great extent the marketing system is built up upon economical and effective transportation. For the distribution of goods over a wide area, effective transportation must be available. and it should be adequate to meet the normal demands. Therefore, the efficiency of marketing depends upon quick and cheap means of transportation. With the increase in the distance between the producer and consumer the importance of transportation has further been increased.
Storage and warehouses:
Storage of good is an another important function of marketing. In many lines of business goods are produced considerably in advance of their consumption. Storing creates the utility. Because marketers often maintain extensive inventories, the consumers desire to buy is satisfied without waiting.
Standardization and grading:
It determines the form and classifies goods according to their quality. The producer standardize his goods according to the requirement of the market. It saves the time of consumers in selecting the goods. Consumer relay upon manufacturers that their goods are of uniform quality and of standard measure and size.
By grading we mean that actual sorting out the commodities according to established specification relating to size , quality , color , weight etc. Graded products facilitate buying and selling and the elements of risk is also reduced .
It consist of the supply and management of money of money and credit. A considerable amount of time elapse between the production and the sale of good, during that period finance is required at every step. The whole marketing mechanism is based upon financing. The retailers demand credit from the wholesalers , the wholesalers from the producers and the producers from the banks and finance companies.
Risk taking:
The mere act of owning goods carries with it the burden of assuming certain risks in connection with them. Some of the risks involved relate to physical deterioration theft, damage , waste, change in demand or supply or price. It is possible to minimize some of these risk through shifting them to insurance company.
Protecting goods from breakage, spoilage and leakage while they are being transported or stored is another important function of marketing process. Considerable efforts and research has been carried out in this fields as packing represents a vital and expensive activity.
It is applicable to all identifying marks by which a manufacturer or wholesaler identifies his products. The brand enable the purchaser to know what he is buying.
A considerable amount of recording is recording in order to know who made the purchase, the amount of investors. Therefore it is an important function.
In order to show goods to distant customers the producer has to adopt the prospect of sampling of the goods. It denoted the selection of apart of commodity from a bulk in such a way that it would be representative enough to render a correct idea about the commodity ti recipient of the sample.
Having Market Information:
It is important function and it is extremely helpful to both the consumer and the manufacturer. As markets for various articles are widening the importance of research and information in increasing. Producers are made aware of coming trends because marketers inform them of changes in consumers want supply and demand and the new market development, position of the computtors etc.
The chief objective of this stage of marketing process is to bring a potential buyer into contact with the seller. Thus this is also an important marketing function.