Multiple Choice Questions
9th Class Biology Notes
Multiple Choice Questions
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Choose the correct answers from the following:
1. _________ described the circulation of blood in 13th century.
(Bu Ali Sina, Ali Bin Isa, Ibn-Al Nafees)
2. Each fore limb of frog has _________ fingers.
(4, 5, 6)
3. Fruit is formed by the enlargement of _________.
(Stigma, Style, Ovary)
4. The earthworm belongs to the phylum _________.
(Nematoda, Annelida, Mollusca)
5. The saliva contains an enzyme known as _________, which acts on carbohydrates.
(Lipase, Trypsin, Ptyalin)
6. _________ tissues specialize in contraction.
(Connective, Muscle, Nervous)
7. Goitre is caused by the deficiency of _________.
(Insulin, Glucagon, Iodine)
8. There are _________ chromosomes in each cell of a human being.
(24, 32, 46)
9. “Al-Qanun Fi-Tibb” is written by _________.
(Al-Tabra, Al-Farabi, Bu Ali Sina)
10. _________ is the sensory layer of the eye.
(Sclerotic, Retina, Choroid)
11. Cockroach belongs to the phylum _________.
(Annelida, Arthropoda, Nematoda)
12. There are _________ toes in each foot of frog.
(4, 3, 5)
13. Monotropa and Neottia exist as _________.
(Parasites, Saprophytes, Insectivores)
14. The movements in Rifolium and in the flowers of Zafaran are _________.
(Nastic, Tropic, Tactic)
15. Diabetes is caused by the deficiency of _________.
(Thiamine, Insulin, Iodine)
16. _________ are important in the synthesis of proteins.
(Ribosomes, Centrosomes, Chloroplast, Lysosomes)
17. Stem increases in thickness due to _________.
(Cambium, Epidermis, Hypodermis, Endodermis)
18. The inner wall of the stomach secretes _________ and hydrochloric acid.
(Ptyalin, Pepsin, Trypsin, Lipase)
19. Smut attacks _________.
(Leaves, Flowers, Fruits, Seeds)
20. The liver of frog is composed of _________ lobe/lobes.
(1, 2, 3, 4)
21. The organs meant to receive the information are called _________.
(Sensory neutrons, Effectors, Receptors, Motor Nerves)
22. Sea anemone belongs to the phylum _________.
(Protozoa, Coelenterata, Porifera, Platyhelminthes)
23. Al-Nabatiat was written by _________.
(Ali Bin Isa, Abu Hanifa, Al-Daturi)
24. The fourth whorl of a flower is known as _________.
(Corolla, Gynoecium, Calyx, Androecium)
25. _________ are flesh eaters.
(Omnivorous, Herbivorous, Carnivorous, Parasites)
26. A group of cells with similar structure and function is called _________.
(Organism, Organ, Organelle, Tissue, none of the above)
27. _________ of the following groups of organisms lack nucleus.
(Cocci, Mosses, Diatoms, Fungi, Euglena)
28. Ferns belong to the group _________.
(Bryophytes, Algae, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Angiosperms)
29. The body wall consists only two layers of cells in _________.
(Flatworms, Coelenterates, Sponges, Ascaris, Tapeworm)
30. Joined limbs are present in _________.
(Octopus, Hookworms, Hydra, Spiders, Star fishes)
31. _________ and _________ contains combination of plants which produce seeds.
(Hibiscus and Algae, Mosses and Ferns, Mosses and Conifers, Fungi and Conifers, Conifers and hibiscus)
32. _________ groups are said to form “base of food chain’’ because of their photosynthetic ability.
(Bacilli, Bryophytes, Fungi, Algae, Poriferans)
33. The tissue of green leaf where major photosynthesis occurs is _________.
(Mesophyll, Epidermis, Phloem, Xylem)
34. _________ is a rich source of Carbohydrate.
(Milk, Fish fingers, Potato chips, Boiled egg, Roast beef)
35. The last source of chemical energy in a starved person deprived of food is _________.
(Muscles of his body, body fat, Carbohydrates, Vitamins and minerals, Bones)
36. _________ storage material in plants is most readily utilized for release of energy.
(Carbohydrate, Protein, Fat, Oil)
37. _________ and _________ are the products that are formed when yeast cells respire anaerobically.
(Glucose and Oxygen, Carbon dioxide and Alcohol, Lactic Acid and Water, Carbon dioxide and Water, Glucose and Oxygen)
38. _________ is the region where gases are exchanged in humans.
(Trachea, Bronchioles, Alveoli, Bronchi, All of the above)
39. The breathing rate in humans is controlled by _________.
(Oxygen in blood, Relaxation of rib muscles, Haemoglobin in R.B.C, Carbon dioxide in blood, Epiglottis)
40. The fluid in the collecting duct of nephron enters first into _________.
(Bowman’s capsule, Pelvis, Urinary Bladder, Ureters, Urethra)
41. In humans, re-absorption of most of the water and amino acids from the blood filtrate is done in the _________.
(Glomerulus, u-shaped loop of nephron, Pelvis, Lower coiled tube, Upper coiled tubule)
42. The fluid which flows down from the Bowman’s capsule is _________.
(Urine, Filtrate, Water containing proteins, none of above)
43. The nephrone makes urine by _________.
(Filtration mechanism, Pricipitation Mechanism, Re-absorption mechanism, filtration and precipitation mechanism, Filtation and Re- absorption mechanism)
44. The movement of some plants from the bottom of a pond to the water surface toward light is called _________.
(Phototropism, Geotropism, Phototactic Response, none of above)
45. Flowers of some plants open and close at particular time of the day in response to light. Such as movement is an example of _________.
(Phototropism, Phototactic Response, Geotropism, Nastic Response)
46. Movements which are governed by the direction of the stimulus are _________.
(Nastic, Tropic, Tactic, Nastic and Tropic, Tropic and tactic)
47. The smallest structural unit of a muscle is _________.
(A muscle fibre, a bundle of muscle fibres, tendon, a muscle together with its nerve fibres)
48. The part of human brain which controls all part of the central nervous system (CNS) and the body is _________.
(Midbrain, Cerebellum, Medulla, Cerebrum, Spinal cord)
49. In humans, steroid hormones are made in and secreted by _________.
(Thyroid and parathyroid, Pancreas and pituitary, adrenals and gonads, all of the above, none of the above)
50. The process by which sperm in the male enters the egg is called _________.
(Pollination, Maturation, Fertilization, Germination, Meiosis)
51. _________ and _________ are the non reproductive parts of a flower.
(Anther and syle, Ovule and sepal, Sepal and Petal, Sitgma and Filament)
52. The part of seed, which arises from the zygote, is _________.
(Endosperm, Seed Coat, Embryo, Micropyle)
53. Fruit is formed by enlargement of _________.
(Ovule of flower, Pedicel of flower, embryo in the ovule, entire ovary containing the seed)
54. When certain foods are heated to 148.9°C to kill all micro-organisms in 1-2 seconds the process is called _________.
(Boiling, pasteurization, sterilization, steaming under pressure)
55. The body of patient looses water and salts in faeces which may appear like rice water in patients suffering from _________.
(Typhoid, Tetanus, Bacillary dysentry, Cholera)
56. _________ diseases are most likely to occur due to contaminated water and food.
(Poliomyelitis, Typhoid, Bacillary dysentry, all of the above)
57. _________ diseases is caused by a protozoa.
(Malaria, Tetnus, Poliom, Tuberculosis)
58. If we could count all plants and animals in a small ecosystem _________ will be the largest in number.
(birds, caterpillars, plants, insects)
59. If we were to represent organisms by number, weight and size at various trophic level in the food chain, _________ will form an inverted pyramid.
(number, size, weight, none of the above)
60. In an ecosystem several types of organisms live as a community and _________ represents the secondary consumer.
(Earthworms, Fruit eating birds, Falcons and eagles, rabbits, mice)
61. The following organism occupy different trophic levels in food chain, _________ receives the least share of sun’s energy.
(Cow, Algae, Rose Plant, Caterpillar, Man)
62. _________ is not a consequence of deforestation.
(Green house effect, Depletion of Ozone layer, Soil Erosion, Disturbed Water cycle, Disturbed oxygen and Carbon dixoide cycle)
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Choose the correct answers from the following:
1. _________ described the circulation of blood in 13th century.
(Bu Ali Sina, Ali Bin Isa, Ibn-Al Nafees)
2. Each fore limb of frog has _________ fingers.
(4, 5, 6)
3. Fruit is formed by the enlargement of _________.
(Stigma, Style, Ovary)
4. The earthworm belongs to the phylum _________.
(Nematoda, Annelida, Mollusca)
5. The saliva contains an enzyme known as _________, which acts on carbohydrates.
(Lipase, Trypsin, Ptyalin)
6. _________ tissues specialize in contraction.
(Connective, Muscle, Nervous)
7. Goitre is caused by the deficiency of _________.
(Insulin, Glucagon, Iodine)
8. There are _________ chromosomes in each cell of a human being.
(24, 32, 46)
9. “Al-Qanun Fi-Tibb” is written by _________.
(Al-Tabra, Al-Farabi, Bu Ali Sina)
10. _________ is the sensory layer of the eye.
(Sclerotic, Retina, Choroid)
11. Cockroach belongs to the phylum _________.
(Annelida, Arthropoda, Nematoda)
12. There are _________ toes in each foot of frog.
(4, 3, 5)
13. Monotropa and Neottia exist as _________.
(Parasites, Saprophytes, Insectivores)
14. The movements in Rifolium and in the flowers of Zafaran are _________.
(Nastic, Tropic, Tactic)
15. Diabetes is caused by the deficiency of _________.
(Thiamine, Insulin, Iodine)
16. _________ are important in the synthesis of proteins.
(Ribosomes, Centrosomes, Chloroplast, Lysosomes)
17. Stem increases in thickness due to _________.
(Cambium, Epidermis, Hypodermis, Endodermis)
18. The inner wall of the stomach secretes _________ and hydrochloric acid.
(Ptyalin, Pepsin, Trypsin, Lipase)
19. Smut attacks _________.
(Leaves, Flowers, Fruits, Seeds)
20. The liver of frog is composed of _________ lobe/lobes.
(1, 2, 3, 4)
21. The organs meant to receive the information are called _________.
(Sensory neutrons, Effectors, Receptors, Motor Nerves)
22. Sea anemone belongs to the phylum _________.
(Protozoa, Coelenterata, Porifera, Platyhelminthes)
23. Al-Nabatiat was written by _________.
(Ali Bin Isa, Abu Hanifa, Al-Daturi)
24. The fourth whorl of a flower is known as _________.
(Corolla, Gynoecium, Calyx, Androecium)
25. _________ are flesh eaters.
(Omnivorous, Herbivorous, Carnivorous, Parasites)
26. A group of cells with similar structure and function is called _________.
(Organism, Organ, Organelle, Tissue, none of the above)
27. _________ of the following groups of organisms lack nucleus.
(Cocci, Mosses, Diatoms, Fungi, Euglena)
28. Ferns belong to the group _________.
(Bryophytes, Algae, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Angiosperms)
29. The body wall consists only two layers of cells in _________.
(Flatworms, Coelenterates, Sponges, Ascaris, Tapeworm)
30. Joined limbs are present in _________.
(Octopus, Hookworms, Hydra, Spiders, Star fishes)
31. _________ and _________ contains combination of plants which produce seeds.
(Hibiscus and Algae, Mosses and Ferns, Mosses and Conifers, Fungi and Conifers, Conifers and hibiscus)
32. _________ groups are said to form “base of food chain’’ because of their photosynthetic ability.
(Bacilli, Bryophytes, Fungi, Algae, Poriferans)
33. The tissue of green leaf where major photosynthesis occurs is _________.
(Mesophyll, Epidermis, Phloem, Xylem)
34. _________ is a rich source of Carbohydrate.
(Milk, Fish fingers, Potato chips, Boiled egg, Roast beef)
35. The last source of chemical energy in a starved person deprived of food is _________.
(Muscles of his body, body fat, Carbohydrates, Vitamins and minerals, Bones)
36. _________ storage material in plants is most readily utilized for release of energy.
(Carbohydrate, Protein, Fat, Oil)
37. _________ and _________ are the products that are formed when yeast cells respire anaerobically.
(Glucose and Oxygen, Carbon dioxide and Alcohol, Lactic Acid and Water, Carbon dioxide and Water, Glucose and Oxygen)
38. _________ is the region where gases are exchanged in humans.
(Trachea, Bronchioles, Alveoli, Bronchi, All of the above)
39. The breathing rate in humans is controlled by _________.
(Oxygen in blood, Relaxation of rib muscles, Haemoglobin in R.B.C, Carbon dioxide in blood, Epiglottis)
40. The fluid in the collecting duct of nephron enters first into _________.
(Bowman’s capsule, Pelvis, Urinary Bladder, Ureters, Urethra)
41. In humans, re-absorption of most of the water and amino acids from the blood filtrate is done in the _________.
(Glomerulus, u-shaped loop of nephron, Pelvis, Lower coiled tube, Upper coiled tubule)
42. The fluid which flows down from the Bowman’s capsule is _________.
(Urine, Filtrate, Water containing proteins, none of above)
43. The nephrone makes urine by _________.
(Filtration mechanism, Pricipitation Mechanism, Re-absorption mechanism, filtration and precipitation mechanism, Filtation and Re- absorption mechanism)
44. The movement of some plants from the bottom of a pond to the water surface toward light is called _________.
(Phototropism, Geotropism, Phototactic Response, none of above)
45. Flowers of some plants open and close at particular time of the day in response to light. Such as movement is an example of _________.
(Phototropism, Phototactic Response, Geotropism, Nastic Response)
46. Movements which are governed by the direction of the stimulus are _________.
(Nastic, Tropic, Tactic, Nastic and Tropic, Tropic and tactic)
47. The smallest structural unit of a muscle is _________.
(A muscle fibre, a bundle of muscle fibres, tendon, a muscle together with its nerve fibres)
48. The part of human brain which controls all part of the central nervous system (CNS) and the body is _________.
(Midbrain, Cerebellum, Medulla, Cerebrum, Spinal cord)
49. In humans, steroid hormones are made in and secreted by _________.
(Thyroid and parathyroid, Pancreas and pituitary, adrenals and gonads, all of the above, none of the above)
50. The process by which sperm in the male enters the egg is called _________.
(Pollination, Maturation, Fertilization, Germination, Meiosis)
51. _________ and _________ are the non reproductive parts of a flower.
(Anther and syle, Ovule and sepal, Sepal and Petal, Sitgma and Filament)
52. The part of seed, which arises from the zygote, is _________.
(Endosperm, Seed Coat, Embryo, Micropyle)
53. Fruit is formed by enlargement of _________.
(Ovule of flower, Pedicel of flower, embryo in the ovule, entire ovary containing the seed)
54. When certain foods are heated to 148.9°C to kill all micro-organisms in 1-2 seconds the process is called _________.
(Boiling, pasteurization, sterilization, steaming under pressure)
55. The body of patient looses water and salts in faeces which may appear like rice water in patients suffering from _________.
(Typhoid, Tetanus, Bacillary dysentry, Cholera)
56. _________ diseases are most likely to occur due to contaminated water and food.
(Poliomyelitis, Typhoid, Bacillary dysentry, all of the above)
57. _________ diseases is caused by a protozoa.
(Malaria, Tetnus, Poliom, Tuberculosis)
58. If we could count all plants and animals in a small ecosystem _________ will be the largest in number.
(birds, caterpillars, plants, insects)
59. If we were to represent organisms by number, weight and size at various trophic level in the food chain, _________ will form an inverted pyramid.
(number, size, weight, none of the above)
60. In an ecosystem several types of organisms live as a community and _________ represents the secondary consumer.
(Earthworms, Fruit eating birds, Falcons and eagles, rabbits, mice)
61. The following organism occupy different trophic levels in food chain, _________ receives the least share of sun’s energy.
(Cow, Algae, Rose Plant, Caterpillar, Man)
62. _________ is not a consequence of deforestation.
(Green house effect, Depletion of Ozone layer, Soil Erosion, Disturbed Water cycle, Disturbed oxygen and Carbon dixoide cycle)