OIC - Organization of Islamic Conference O.I.C
2nd Year Pakistan Studies Notes
Organization of Islamic Conference -O.I.C
The organization of Islamic conference is the symbol of Islamic brother hood and fraternity.It is the biggest and the most active organization of Muslim countries.It was established in 1969 so that the scattered strength of Muslims may be united and unity among the Muslim countries may be strengthened.
The Zionists set fire to the Holy Mosque "Al-Aqsa" on 21st August ,1969 which greatly infuriated the Muslims all over the World.Strikes were observed throughout the Muslim world .The Muslims felt that effective steps should be taken to protect the Muslims from the aggression of the non-Muslim forces.Thus the Arab Foreign Ministers of Saudi Arabia and Morocco of making arrangement to hold an Islamic Summit Conference.After meeting in Jeddah,a seven member committee was formed to take necessary steps for holding the Islamic Summit Conference.
First Islamic Summit Conference
Date and Place
The first Islamic Summit Conference was held in Rabat (Morocco) from september 22nd to 25th in 1969.
24 heads of states participated in this conference.
1.The incidents of burning of the Masjid Al-Aqsa was discussed.
2.Middle East situation.
3.Emphasis was laid on the need for maintaining close relations among Muslim countries.
Second Islamic Summit Conference
Date and Place
The second Islamic summit conference was held in Lahore (Pakistan) from february 22nd to 24th in 1974.
The Present of the Conference was Z.A.Bhutto.
40 delegations and a delegation of the Palestine Liberation Organization participated.
Following decisions were taken in the coference.
1.Middles East problem especially Palestinians issue.
2.It was demanded that Israeli troops should be withdrawn from occupied Arab Territory.
3.A commitee was set up to find ways and means to eliminate poverty ,disease and ignorance.
4.S.S.C also set up MUslim Itehad Fund and Islamic Development Bank.
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Third Islami Summit Conference
Date and Place
The third Islamic Summit Conference was held at Taif (Saudi Arabia) in January 1981.
38 Muslim countries participated.
1.The Conference paid special attention to the intervantion in Afghanistan ,Palestine problems,Jerusalam and Iraq war.
2.It was decided to create Islamic Center for Trade Exchange and to set up an Academy for Islamic Fiqah.
Fourth Islamic Summit Conference
Date and Place
The fourth Summit Conference was held at Casablanca (Morocco) in January ,1984.
45 Muslim countries participated.
1.Various international problems like Iran Iraq war,Kashmir Issue,Lebanon problem etc were discussed.
2.Decisions were taken for the safeguard of the rights of the Palestine people.
3.Decisions about Egypt's re-entry in the O.I.C was also taken.
Fifth Islamic Summit Conference
Date and Place
The fifth conference was held in Kuwait in January 1987.
44 Islamic countries participated.
As usual a few resolutions were passed and more or less the same issues were dealt with.
Sixth Islamic Summit Conference
Date and Place
This Conference was held in December 1991 at Dakar (Senegal).
45 countries participated in this Conference.
Resolutions were passed on many problems like Kashmir,Afghanista,Palestine etc and serious concern was also expressed on American threat of military action against Libya.
Seventh Islamic Summit Conference
Date and place
This conference was held in Casablanca (Morocco) in December,1994.
The President of Summit,King Hasan of Morocco,stressed the need for strengthening Islamic Soldarity and unity of the Islamic Ummah in an atmosphere of brother hood and concord.
The conference also expressed its determination:
"To the project the correct image of Islam reflecting the spirite of 'Ijtehad'based on the general principles of Shariah".
Benazir Bhutto said:
" Even Worse,our enemies now seek to justify aggresion against the Muslim peoples by portraying Islam as an intolerant doctrine of violence and terror."
All the summit conferences clearly shows that hte prime objective of O.I.C is to promote greater harmony and co-operation amongst the Muslim world and to protect their intrest in International system.It is also aimed at the Islamic countries and to create co-operation amongst them in these spheres.The O.I.C also stood for the fraternal feelings which had existed for centuries amongst the Muslims of the World.