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Grammar part 1

Short Brief | IX Class Computer Science Notes

Short Brief | IX Class Computer Science Notes

an abbreviation of End Of File.


A logical relationship in which two statement are said to be equivalent.


Any condition in which the unexpected results of an compiled object code is obtained.


The symbolic representation of a mathematical or logical statement.


A sub division of a record containing a unit of information.


An organized collection of records.

Floating Point Number

A form of number representation in which quantities are represented by a number called the mantissa multiplied by a power of the number base called exponent.

Flow Chart

The diagrammatic representation of a sequence of events, usually drawn with conventional symbol representing different types of events and their interconnection.


The predetermined arrangement of data.


That part of a computer instruction which specifies the operation to be performed.


A prefix denoting one thousand million.


The use of images generated by software for output to a graphic display.

Hard Disk

A magnetic disk which is rigid.

High Level Language

A computer language which is nearest to human language. A language in which each instruction or statement corresponds to several machine code instructions.

Hybrid Computer

Any mixed computer system in which analog and digital computing devices are combined.


Abbreviation of Hertz.


These are the result which is derived from the processing of data.


The process of transferring data, or program instructions, into memory

from sone peripheral unit.


That part of a computer program which tells the computer what function to perform at that stage.


Software that translates each statement of source program into a sequence of machine instructions and executes these machine instructions one by one before translating the next source language statement.


Synonymous with branch.


An input device to feed alphabetic and numeric data.


1024 bytes.


It is a DOS command which is used to assign a lable to the disk.


This is BASIC command which is used to load a BASIC program from a secondary storage device to computer’s memory.


This is BASIC command which is used to show the location of cursor on the screen.


A series of instructions which are performed repeatedly until some specified condition is satisfied.

Machine Language

The coding system adopted in the design of a computer to represent the instruction of the computer.

Magnetic Disk

A storage device consisting of a number of flat circular plates each coated on both surface with some magnet able material.

Main Storage

The store from which instructions are executed.


A million bytes.


This term is usually reserved for describing the internal store of a computer.


A computer based on microprocessor.


A device which transmits over distances without error.

Nested Loop

Programs fling technique in which a loop of instructions contains another loop, which may in turn contain another, and so on.


One of a set of digits that may be used in a particular system of number system.

Numerical Data

Any field of characters which contains numeric digits only.

Object Program

A program in which language produced by translating the program written in source language through the use of a compiler.

Operating System

A set of programs which manages resources of computer include hardware, programs, data and operators.


Result produced by a computer.

Output Device

The device which produces the results from the computer in human readable form.


An output device which produce results in printed form.


The sequence of steps required in order to solve a problem.


A set of instructions composed for solving a given problem by computer.

Programming Language

A language used for writing computer programs.


Any message given to an operator by an operating system.


Abbreviation of Random Access Memory. Memory into which data can be written and from which data can be read.

Reserved Word

In a programming language, a data name not available to the user because it has some specific significance to the computer.


The number of individually addressable and variable picture elements available in a graphic display.


Acronym for Read only Memory. Memory containing information which is permanent and which cannot be written to, but can be read by program functions.


The performance of one program or routine.

Soft Copy

Output from a computer process which is displayed on a visual display unit.


The term is applied to all those programs which in some way can assist all users of a particular type of computer to make the best use of their machine.

Source Program

A program written in a source language.


A source language instruction.

Structured Programming

A methodology for programming which involves systematic described in increasing detail until the final stage of coding is required.


Part of a program which performs a logical section of the overall function of the program and which is available whenever the particular set of instructions is required.

Subscripted Variable

Whose numeric value can change? It is denoted by an array name followed by a subscript; e.g. A(5) or AB$(22).

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