Essays | part 1, 2010 Essays
B-com part 1 English Notes
Essays | part 1, 2010 Essays
* Freedom of Press
* Impact of Electronic Media on our Society
* The Twentieth Century is An Age of Greed
* Five Things I Love the Most
* Trip to a Holiday Resort
* Value of Sports
* Man to Lead Woman to Follow
* Freedom of Press
* The Need for Keeping One's Temper Under Control
* Jealousy
* View About Women
* Description of Robbery
* Money is the Root of All Evil
Essays Freedom of Press
The press is a modern concept and the modern man can be said to be molded by the press just as once he was said to have been may by his barber and tailor. It means today man's opinions, may be even his philosophy can be shaped by the papers and magazines he reads. One will no be fair from truth if one were to say one can know a man by the paper he reads. Thus we see the press has become so powerful that it has come to be called the fourth estate.
The democratic system rests upon the assumption that the citizen has access to a wide range of news and views. Only than can be form independent opinion on may important things like the foreign policy of his Government. Ultimately only this can ensure that his vote is based on fair judgment rather than determined by the coercion implicit in being forced to read and hear only the official view point. For instance a good paper may weigh the comparative merits of candidate for an election and thus help the voter.
The paper is so powerful that governments are afraid of paper. Naturally therefore government, given the chance would like to control the paper. They bring forth gagging orders such that the press cannot publish certain things. The press is not allowed to know certain news and thus pressman are prohibited from being present. The news in the paper may be highly censored so that various political parties in a country run their own papers. In England, for instance, there is the labor press as well as liberal press. In communistic countries, the party controls the press, so that no other wind expect that of the party be allowed to blow. The idea behind is quite obvious. Each party wants to propagate and broadcast its views through its paper.
The control of the press by the government through it may be desirable in times of emergency, is not so in normality's. the control will kill the liberal growth of ideas and people will cases to grow. Just as the free air is desirable to keep the people healthy, today a free press is much important. A free ad fearless press can expose individuals and groups when they err. They may even chastise erring officials and out at the shall owners of certain government action. They may suggest a line of action and put forth proposals in schemes and projects of national importance. In short the free press can act as accelerator sometimes as also a brake sometimes.
Essays Impact of Electronic Media on our Society
Science and technology has advanced in each and every faculty of life. It has made life comfortable and easy. Modern ways and means and changing life patters of our society have made the individuals of the society lazy and sluggish. Scientific advancement has assisted in ascending the electronic media. In this modern age, electronic media is developing with the fast pace. Its perpetual enhancement seems to be boundless.
Electronic media includes all means of communication, the network of which is scattered though out the world. It is supposed to play a big role in spreading the social values, culture and civilization. It has played a functional role in modifying the cultural and moral values of society. Electronic media has wiped out distances between remote countries. It's a chained system in the form of a complete network.
Dish receiving system and modernization of Internet computer programming have brought a revolutionary change in the moral ethics. A moral and culture change in a society some times proves itself to be an insincere change fraught with social evils. Electronic media of this modern century has specifically tried to decline the moral values of Muslim civilization and it look as if they have succeeded in this vulgar effort. Their culture vulgarity is doubtlessly obvious.
Modern film industry and descending culture values of European countries have played a fundamental role in declining the cultural, social, moral and spiritual values of Muslim countries by propagating the culture of their own society. Means of communication is supposed to be responsible for such hollow changing moral and social values.
There are also some positive impacts of the electronic media. It's widely spread programmes have ascended the generosity, talent and vast knowledge of people in regard too universal exploration. It has widened human mind and boundaries of imagination. It has also opened man's eyes a litter wider to the wonders and vastness of the universe around us. Electronic media has also proved it self to be the phenomenon of revelation of the present age, exhibiting in its modern form.
Essays The Twentieth Century is An Age of Greed
To be greedy is two own more than what one can legitimately claim. This is very well illustrated by the parable of the greedy dog, which wanted to have the bone seen in the reflection. It lost the bone thereby. This is greed. All people are greedy; it is not only the poor who are greedy but also those very rich.
To avoid being greedy, the child must be educated. The parents and hence the home have got a great responsibility in this respect. Children must not be helped to own more than what they need, whether it is in food or clothes. Greed and hence jealousy go together. Hence to avoid being jealous one should over come greed.
Let us see if twentieth century is an age of greed. The First Great War was the result of Kaiser's ambitions to build a German empire. He was itching for it and the murder of the prince at Sarajevo was only a pretext to start a war. Then came Hitler, from the beginning he wanted to do where Kaiser failed. Slowly and steadily he build an army and the rape of Czechoslovakia followed. After the second war many small things happened which viewed properly is nothing but greed. Only the offending parties gave them different names as once they looked upon African countries as white man's burden.
Greed in modern politics shows different goals. Look at the Afghan War in which Russia has deliberately invaded that country and has a political un-settlement there. Looking at the individuals also we can say they are in no way worse than those who lived in previous centuries. But one thing we can say that in this century which is becoming more and more materialistic moral forces is on the wane. Now that there is a vast scope for material possession, to that extent man is growing greedy. Temptation and greed are the two sides of a coin. To over come the moral education is essential. Develop the will of the child so that he grows he may not be greedy. So it can be conclude that this century is not an age of greed.
Essays Five Things I Love the Most
This world is full of many wonderful and lovely things. Man is trying to utilize the maximum resources of his intellect for finding out various types of inventions and discoveries and thus endeavouring to make the things lovelier and worth enjoying. The process of beautifying the worldly things is a continuous process.
Firstly, I have great love of Nature. I am fed from this artificial and momentary pleasure which we derive from the city life. I am thinking to settle in some village where i will be able to enjoy Nature. I wish to make friendship with nature because nature can be true friend and real guide of man, who never deceives a person who loves her. Wordsword, the great love of Nature, has also acknowledged this fact in his poems. I am very much anxious to go and enjoy steep hills; greenery of the open valleys, cool breeze and other natural objects.
Secondly, I am very much interested to adopt teaching as my profession in future. I am deeply pained to find illiteracy in my country. For the successful functioning of Democracy, it is essential that we reduce illiteracy to the minimum extent possible. I have a great love for this profession. I want every young man and woman must get education. There is a dire need for spreading the education to every hook and corner of the country
Thirdly, I have a keen desire to read novels. Novels are my favourite pastime. Novels widen the doors of knowledge. They give us an insight into the zig-zag ways of this world. Sometimes we are able to resolve many difficult problems with the help of Novel reading. We are able to chalk out many schemes which can be very useful in our day-today life.
Fourthly, I love my country. I can foreign anything just for the honour of my country. If somebody were to ask me to go to a foreign land and serve there, and get a handsome salary. I will be the first blunt young to refuse this offer. It is because I am very much fond of the ways of life, the food, the sunshine, home, friends, parents and other relations. I will not be doing justice to my Motherland.
The last but not the least, I love my sweet home. It is rightly uttered "East or West home is the best." I live in a small house which does not contain all the modern facilities, but still it is not less than a paradise. I have been to my friend's houses I find ultra modern decorations. The houses contain dining rooms, sitting rooms, bedrooms etc. Further, very rich and lavish food is served. In spite of all this, I don't like this type of artificial life. That's why I have selected the above mentioned five things which are dearest to me and are the essence of my life and living.
Essays Trip to a Holiday Resort
We Sindhis are devotees and lovers of saints -- The Men of Allah, who include Pir Fakhurs alive and those whose last abodes are located in Sindh. My family members, parents, uncles and aunties, cousins and my brothers and sisters are dedicated, fully devoted flowers of Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalander of Sehwan Sharif.
It was the month of June and it was too hot at Karachi and even entire Sindh was burning scorching sunlight. I and my brothers and sisters boarded in an air-conditioned bus of Blue Line Travels at 7 am in the morning from Cantt Station Karachi. On the way we saw Mango orchards on both sides and in same places large number of guava trees, orange and papaya trees and green refreshing banana trees. At some places under desert condition with large number of palm trees loaded with yellow bunches of dares. It was very beautiful. When the bus crossed Jamshoro its A/C arrangement went wrong so the driver stopped the bus and by mobile phone sought the help of mechanics from Blue Line Travel branch located at Hyderabad. The mechanics readily arrived in a speedy company car and it look about two three-hours to repair the A/C arrangement.
We started again at about 12 O'clock and stopped on our way to have this spot we took another connecting bus of Blue Line, which was unfortunately heavily crowded and packed to the capacity. We were made to stand in the bus even my sister did not have any seats. The bus then traveled through sugar cane farms and banana plantations and many green rice fields irrigated by canal water. It was all green and some what green and some what fresh cold breeze was blowing. On the request passengers the bus stopped all the passengers got down, washed their hands and feet in the irrigation stream-lets flowing towards the rice and sugar can fields. About half an hour passed peacefully when 3 kids escaping the sight of the elders plugged into muddy water and sank waist deep into stinking mud. The driver, conductor and cleaners helped to pull the mischief monger children. It became a problem to have their clothes changed and to be washed in the stream-lets water. We reached Sehwan Sharif near sunset. We thanked God for an arrival at Sehwan. We paid a quick visit to the tomb of the Man of God and offered Fateha and went to the guest house constructed nearly for the visitors. Unfortunately it was heavily crowded because the every day lot of devotees come from Thatta. We had no room to spend night there, so on the advice of some elderly servants of shrine management we hired a room in a nearly hotel. It was very old fashioned hotel having old type of cots infested by bad gugs. What a terrible, painful night it was that we spend in hotel. When we left the hotel, hotel manager demanded Rs. 300 for double bed room, which had no A/C arrangement and plenty of water. Originally we had made a programmed to stay at Sehwan for three, four days, but after spending a sleepless night at the hotel we resolved to return Karachi by the first available bus. Hiring a Tanga we reached the bus stand. The first bus was expected to leave Sehwan at about 9:30 am. There was enough time to take breakfast. But it was a misfortune that my sister had forgotten the bulky tiffin at the hotel. My brother went back to the hotel and after an hour brought the information that some other boarders or customers of the hotel took the tiffin away.
No we cannot curse our fate for his trouble. We took the breakfast at the bus stop hotel of Bheal Puri, which costed us, another hundred rupees and went to buy tickets for our return journey. The next bus for Karachi expected to leave Sehwan at 2:00 pm. Apparently in the hot summer we could not afford to wait for the next bus to Karachi. So we caught the bus from Thatta. It was a Sindh Transport bus having no A/C. However we boarded in it because we had seats available when we reached Thatta we caught another luxury bus and reached Karachi at 4 O' clock. This journey costed us a lot and caused a lot of inconvenience. In fact the Auqaf department of Government should come forward and make proper arrangements of boarding and lodging and transport to provide facilities to the devotees of the saint coming from all parts of Sindh and even from other provinces.
Essays Value of Sports
Briefly speaking we can call this kind of essay as " Importance of Games". Every man, working women and students and working youths who perform some manual work or any kind of work needs some rest, some relaxation or the change from the monotony of this work in order to avoid fatigue and exhaustion, the best to regain last energy and to be fresh it is good that after the laborious work of day, one should play some kind of game to have a feeling of freshness.
Game is an instructive in which all the living beings take part. Games and sports should be compulsory for the students. They have a great value in character and personality building. They help us to develop team spirit, discipline, respect for rules and sportsman spirit. In Pakistan these physical activities are neglected and not well organized. this has resulted in great lawlessness and indiscipline among the students.
Games have different physical mental and moral advantage. No body can know the value of games in national character building. Now-a-days nations are judged on the play ground. Victory on the field brings honor and glory to the country. Players and sportsmen are the wondering ambassadors of the country. Games promote international amity, friendship, brotherhood and peace. Just like India Pakistan Series 2004 was the best example of an attempt of promoting relationship between India and Pakistan.
Physically games are best form of exercise. The group sports such as cricket, hockey, football, volleyball and athletics are popular all over the world. By playing games, coordination of movements of limbs of the body is produced. Mentally, players develop the sense of quick and right decisions. They form the habit of right thinking. A true sportsman hates to hit below the belt. A good sportsman never plays foul in life
Essays Man to Lead Woman to Follow
This is a very ticklish question. Eyebrows will look down upon the very question. The question aims at equality between man and woman. It cannot be blind equality. Nature has endowed man with certain capabilities and capacities, which are not found in woman. Man also cannot claim some capacities peculiar to woman. Thus we speak of manly strength and feminine grace.
Now late in the twentieth century to say that man sound lead may should absurd. But in what he should lead lies the answer. Then there won't be any controversy. Man by his nature is given to hard work involving physical strength and also to be great extent, physical endurance. Woman, as a rule are denied his physical strength. So, man has been a fighter all along and these fighting qualities have always been in demand. So many came to be a leader. Exploring, pioneering, climbing, fighting and such of these require many courage, bravery and hardihood. Then society needed them badly. Man became the leader.
Woman as a rule, are the best homemakers. Their sense of duty, humility and patience make them really the authority in the house. Their feminine touch has a lot to go in bringing up children. If a country needs good youngsters, it is to the mothers it has to look to. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. Man and woman are thus complimentary and supplementary to each other and it will be useless to decide who leads whom.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Having a Working Mother / Sister
Women play a very vital role in human progress and have a significant place in the society. Women have always played an important position in the progress of a nation. In the early days of Islam, women worked side by side with men. In the battlefield, they nursed the injured, kept up the supplies and in certain cases even fought bravely. Florence Nightingale was the woman, who led a very successful campaign for the reforms of hospitals and nursing profession. Women had been great saints, scholars, poets, writers, reformers and administrators.
In modern age, women are going very well in all the fields of progress. They are demonstrating their talents in the best. They are serving as teachers, doctors, Engineers, Administrators and even head of the states. But of course such responsibilities could affect their household responsibilities. It will impossible to pay required attention to her own home, if she works some where out her home.
It is an obvious fact that most+ women work due to financial problems so in such cases women sacrifice their comfort and come outside to do work. Working women could run her home better as far as financial matters are concerned. But of course, it affects their household responsibilities. It is very difficult for a working woman to look the household matters as a household woman does.
In my opinion, a woman should do work if they are really going through financial problems. It is not disagreeable at all. But if the situation perfectly sound and woman works at the expense of household comfort then it is not good. women should take care of her responsibilities as a mother or sister. If she can manage between the two then it is her choice either to do job or not. But one cannot perfectly manage between them if she spends a long time outside her home.
Essays The Need for Keeping One's Temper Under Control
Temper can be defined as the mental vibrations in consonance with the external events which touch our senses. The reaction may be calm and quiet or violent. When one is subject ot sudden conclusions of mental reactions to externals he is said to be temperamental. In such cases reason which helps one to keep poise is either absent or fails to help the subject.
To keep up one's tempers it requires a lot of insight into things. Simply because certain things happen in certain ways not the liking of the subject, it is no reason why one should fly into tempers. There are innumerable occasions when things go wrong in spite of perhaps careful home the point. One is in hurry to dress and to go and attend a function or meeting. In the last minute he take out the dress from the cabinet he finds out to his chagrin either the shirt has been torn by the washer-man or the buttons are missing from the longs. This he could have avoided if had given thought before. So some previous thinking into the affair or preparation would help avoid tempers. This is to be followed by those who are subject to tempers and thereby they can avoid unpleasant consequences.
When one loses one's temper it leads to many undesirable consequences. The person is easily upset his blood circulation gets quick, he uses angry words and he offends others also. One should develop his faculty of reasoning, then he could easily keep his temper under control. It is also a matter of philosophy as in the case of stoics. There is a classical case of temper under control.
By keeping one's temper under control one saves nervous break down. His friends and relatives like him. He is saved from wrong judgment which he arrives at when he loses his temper. In short a man who could keep his temper is a sweet person. He is happy and makes others happy. He illumines the company where he is found. He will never be subject to nervous break down. So let us learn to keep our temper under control.