Essays | part 1, 2010 Essays
B-com part 1 English Notes
Essays Jealousy
Jealousy is one of the human weaknesses which is not so very uncommon. Here the reference is only to the jealous reactions to the success of a friend, so we will confine ourselves to that aspect alone.
He may even go to the extent of thinking that the friend has kept certain things that led to his success a secret from him. That means he suspects the fidelity or sincerity of the friend. He may some times openly say that the friend has left him down because of his selfishness. He would slight the success saying that it was only chance that made his friend successful. As a friend, while it is natural to expect of him to celebrate the success and to lead the party, he would avoid it and whenever there is such an occasion he would quietly keep at the back.
He would assume that he is being neglected because his friend has been successful and even may speak so. He would go on saying now that the friend has been successful and he doesn't care for him as of old. What need has he for him? He would even go of thinking of imaginary contributions he as made for the success of the other. He would add but for the pieces of certain acts of his, his friend would not have been successful. this is all because this fellow cannot reach the same height as the other fellow. It the other one is as enlightened and out going he can easily make up; otherwise the jealousy may lead to permanent rift. This sort of jealousy is more common among women folk that men folk
Essays View About Woman
A Good Women Inspires A Man. A Brilliant Woman Interests Him. A Beautiful Woman Fascinates Him But a Sympathetic Woman Gets Him. Do You Agree With This View?
This Question deals with women of different accomplishments and how man reacts towards them. The qualities of woman categorized here are goodness, brilliance, beauty and sympathy. Apposite to them are put inspiration, interests, fascination and getting or winning respectively. To know women of these parts one must have a wider experience which history and literature of the world.
In general the question deals with man's relation with women but for a single man to have contact or relation with the different women mentioned here in the chance may be rare unless he be a great figure who has galaxy of women i covering around him. To inspire is to give life, to fill life with hope, to pull up the crest fallen one from despondency to optimism. When we take in air we say we inspire because we are taking in the life given blood purifying oxygen. So the action or the words of a woman may be inspiring. The one may be the wife or a good friend or as sometimes happens a poetess. To inspire, such person must basically be good.
To interest one is to make one think of the benefits that may accrue. One may be interested in a proposition because it may bring one some benefits. The benefit need not necessarily be material; it may even be mental, say a speech. Brilliance relates to the dazzle in appearance and speech and manners. The brilliance in appearance may incite jealousy; the brilliance in wit and humour attracts and interests.
To fascinate is to attract. The fascination may be real or false, the fascination may be for good or bad. The fascination of the moth for fire is a classical example where it is attracted by the light of the fire only to die. As given the beauty refers may be, only to external. A woman may be beautiful to look at and as opposite sex, man is fascinated by her but if the winner woman is not as beautiful as the outer than men having to do anything with her will be ruined beyond measure. There are stories of beautiful women who have fascinated men only to destroy them.
To get is to own. To won means also the power to command over. What i own i can easily dispose of but it is beside the point here because the question deals with the sympathy. Sympathy is to have the same feeling for. When one sympathizes with another, it means the latter has the same feeling as the former, that is why we often say in sympathy with you in sympathy there we see identity of view/ When a woman has the sympathy she can naturally get the other. In fact the getting may be in different degrees. Some explanation will make this point clear.
Take for instance the sympathy of a nurse for a bay or a patient. In both cases the getting may not be exactly by owning but it is getting a permanent place in the heart of a baby or the patient. The sympathy shown by the mother, helps her get the child. Where children are brought up by others, the sympathy of children for their mothers is very thin indeed. A good wife must have the sympathy for her husband to get him. A classical woman is described that way. She is everything for her husband. But to see a woman of all these qualities is rare and such a one is a rare phenomenon.
Essays Robbery
It may be 10'O clock in the night. I was a bit late from my office and i was standing at the bus-stand to catch the bus. There was a coffee shop nearby. It was the only shop in the neighbourhood. It appeared there used to be late guests to that stall. For I could see that the stall owner was not in a mood to close the shop.
Then I saw two fellows enter the shop. Their appearance was far from satisfactory. They went in and ordered for their glass of coffee. While they were sipping their glass, I could see them talking. Then I saw both of them move towards the counter where the stall-keeper was sitting. From the way he talked to them, it showed he knew them already. After few minutes, I could hear hot exchange of words. I could also see that the stall keeper was self-possessed. While an altercation was going on, one of the two guests whipped up a knife and threatened to stab the shopkeeper. The other fellow put his hand and took what all cash he could take. I was in a dilemma. I could neither go for rescue nor cry because that would be futile. The stall-keeper was raising a hell of noise and even at the risk of his life, would not allow the ruffians to bolt away with the cash. Luckily for him, the long awaited bus will full complements came there. Seeing the bus the ruffians left the place and run away, before the stall-keeper could recover and cry for help, the ruffians were gone. As already the bus with a heavy heart because, I have failed in my duty to save the shopkeeper.
Essays Money is the Root of All Evil
Money is the instrument of exchange helping in buying and selling and helps also in fixing the value of things and commodities. It may be in metal and as it now in paper. With the market getting more and more complicated there are other negotiable instruments which are as good as the minted coins or the printed notes. Money in short gives the purchasing power but this power is not absolute as it varies depending on various factors.
Let us see why money is needed. Simply because it helps the possession to buy things. The days of barter are gone though so it is indirectly reported to at the international level. Money can buy men as it does things. Thus money plays an important role in fighting and winning elections. Money mars men and women's morals. It has got the evil influence in corrupting people; sellout is the new term of bribery. There are people who could do anything for the sake of money.
These things are because of what is termed money power. It is true of individuals as well as states that where there is money they could dictate terms. For instance, the Middle-East countries have found new wealth because of their deposits and they have become very powerful. Since money is normally the fruit of labor, coming by money by fair means need not be stunned. The question is how one spends that money. So great thinker have suggested that one who has money enough and to spare must look upon himself as the trustee of that money and see to it that it spent in good ways. As money is only a tool there is nothing good or evil about it. Since the question of evil is a moral factor, man must be strengthened morally so that he may not use money in evil ways.